When it comes to shoes, size matters. Perhaps there is nothing more important than getting the right size! As you will learn in this guide, finding the perfect fit is the single most important factor when buying work boots, especially if you want to boost productivity and fight foot fatigue or injuries.
Why Is It Important to Find the Right Fit?
Imagine standing for eight hours a day at work or walking around carrying heavy objects. This impact could accumulate over time, resulting in chronic pain or injuries to your feet. These effects are magnified if you have ill-fitting shoes or work boots.
The importance of properly fitting shoes is not isolated to work boots. It applies to everyone who wants to buy shoes. However, the impact is more evident with work shoes designed to provide comfort and protection to your feet.
Ill-fitting shoes cause blisters and chafing. It is difficult to move around because of the chronic pain, and if your shoes are too small for your feet, they can also restrict blood flow. When there is lack of support and improper fit, the effects go beyond comfort but can also affect your long-term health. If you have existing health issues, such as plantar fasciitis or fallen arches, the wrong shoe size could easily aggravate the problem.
There is another reason to invest in properly fitting work boots: to prevent injury and ensure additional support. Shoes help you balance and without enough support, it makes it difficult to move and you tend to lose your balance. It creates a domino effect that your body will feel and endure for a long time.
Guidelines on Finding the Right Fit for Work Boots
Now that you know the potential risks of ill-fitting work boots, the next step is to know how to get the fit right. It seems like a straightforward process but there are many considerations to make, to ensure the best fit, comfort, and support.
Determine Your Shoe Size
Whether you’re buying composite or steel toe boots, the first step is always to measure your feet. Use the correct foot measurement to compare it with the size chart when buying work boots online.
First, measure the length of your feet. Place the ruler from the back of your heel to the tip of the longest toe. Next, measure the width. Place the ruler at the widest point of your feet, which is usually the ball. Take the measurement from one side to another.
For each measurement, round it off to the next highest inch for better accuracy. Use this measurement and compare it against the boot size chart to ensure you pick the corresponding shoe size that offers the best fit.

Measure Each Foot
It is a common mistake for people to measure only one foot. However, one foot could be larger than the other. Therefore, you should consider the larger measurement when buying work boots to ensure that one does not have a tighter fit.
Allow Extra Space in the Toe Box
When choosing the right size for work boots, give an extra inch of space for your toe box. This prevents blisters on the front and sides of your feet. Plus, this allowance in space allows enough wiggle room for your toes so they are not cramped in your shoes, which could hurt over time.
In addition to preventing blisters, this technique in choosing the right fit work boots gives you added mobility at work. You provide enough room for your toes and the ball of your feet to move, which is called the “flex point.”
Consider Your Foot Arch
Every human has a different foot arch. Some are flat-footed (those without an arch) and others have a high-arched foot. Depending on your natural arch, you should pick a work boot accordingly.
Different arches require different support; otherwise, you will become uncomfortable due to a lack of support. It can add pressure on the surrounding joints on your feet, resulting in chronic pain that makes standing or walking laborios.
Consider the Socks
Choosing right fitting work boots requires you to consider the socks that you plan to wear with your boots. If you prefer wearing socks with medium thickness, provide extra space in your work boots when choosing from the size chart. This ensures you fit snugly into your work boots without being too uncomfortable.
As a bonus tip, you should consider the right thickness for your socks as this can make your feet more comfortable and provide extra cushion and support.
Ankle Support is Key
You should never neglect ankle support when choosing proper fitting work boots. It is crucial to test the ankle support of the boots if you buy them in person. Roll your ankles on all sides and assess how it feels on your ankles. Is it comfortable or does it make your ankles feel compressed?
Aside from rolling your ankles, try crouching up or down. The right work boots should allow enough ankle movement for added mobility.

Size Up or Down?
If you compare your foot measurement against the work boot size chart and can’t find a match, always go up one size. It’s tempting to choose a smaller size but it is risky, especially if you want a cozy and snug fit. You could end up with extreme pain and discomfort due to the tight fit.
Work boots should allow your feet to move freely, so always size up if you are in doubt.
Special Considerations for Wide Feet
Traditional shoe size charts take foot length into account. However, the width can also be a crucial factor in ensuring you have proper-fitting work boots.
If you have wide feet, sizing up is not the solution because you will only get boots with a longer size but it won’t address the width issues. You could still end up with blisters and chafing if your feet are too wide for your work shoes.
The best way to address this is to measure your feet in the afternoon. Throughout the day, the size of your feet will change and will continue to expand as you go deeper into the day. The afternoon is the best time to take foot measurements because your feet have had enough time to stretch out after walking all day.
Also, measure your feet while standing because it changes the shape of your feet and allows them to widen. Plus, you will most likely be standing when working so it only makes sense to try on shoes in the manner with which you intend to use them.
Final Thoughts
Follow these guidelines in choosing the right fit of work boots for your feet. While these guidelines might seem intimidating, don’t let it take the fun out of picking the right shoes that offer comfort and support. The most important thing to consider is what makes you feel comfortable. If you are comfortable in your shoes, it will impact your productivity and combat foot fatigue from standing or walking for several hours a day.