With sustainability at the forefront of consumers’ purchasing decisions, more businesses are shifting toward sustainable manufacturing processes and eco-friendly materials. The shift has created a major transformation in the footwear industry, revolutionizing material choice and adopting sustainable practices without compromising quality. However, is it possible for work and safety shoes to be sustainable?
This guide explores the ways that sustainability is shaping the industry and how employees can make smarter choices in finding the right shoes that protect your feet and the environment.
Growth of Sustainability in the Footwear Industry
According to a market size and share report, the global sustainable footwear market is expected to reach $8.46 billion in value in 2023. This trend is forecast to continue at an annual growth rate of 6.3% within the forecast period of 2024-2030.
Meanwhile, research published by Simon Kucher Consultants details that 1 in 3 people don’t mind spending up to 25% more on sustainable products. The report is a testament to consumers’ shifting mindsets toward their buying decisions and focusing on sustainable choices.
With shoe manufacturing having a major impact on the environment, adopting sustainability can make a difference to the sustainability efforts globally. These important statistics should give you an idea just how sustainable footwear can drive this effort:
- A pair of shoes requires approximately 8,000 liters of water during the entire production process.
- Shoe manufacturing uses chemicals, such as adhesives and tanning chemicals, that can leak into the environment.
- Aside from the manufacturing, transporting footwear also contributes to environmental impact and emissions.
- A Quantis study reveals that the footwear industry contributes to 1.4% of global emissions.
These projections reflect how sustainability has been a growing trend in the industry for the past few years. Industry experts believe that this trend will keep growing as it continues to build momentum. Major footwear companies have made innovations to contribute to sustainability, especially in their production methods. Advancements in footwear design and production have contributed to choosing the best materials that reduce environmental impact while reducing waste.

One example of sustainability in the footwear industry is the use of sustainable materials, such as recycled plastics and organic cotton. The change means less consumption of virgin resources and reduced waste in landfill sites.
While most of the innovations in sustainable footwear are evident in the performance and athletic shoe industry, it’s important to look at how the sustainable movement has impacted industrial shoes. Is this trend also evident in work and safety shoes?
What Features to Look For in Sustainable Industrial Shoes?
Investing in safety footwear requires you to choose companies that don’t just meet the safety standards for shoe manufacturing. Sustainability is a critical factor for choosing safety shoes because it reflects the company’s ethical choices and value, ensuring that their products limit the damage to the environment. It is more than just jumping on the trend or to optimize sales. Switching to sustainable footwear is a conscious effort that makes you feel good about your buying choices.
Consider these features when shopping for industrial shoes that are eco-friendly and sustainable.
1. Recyclable or Recycled Materials
The material is the first consideration when buying eco-friendly work shoes. Common recycled or recyclable materials that are used for manufacturing sustainable safety shoes are organic cotton, recycled plastic, and rubber. Using these materials reduce waste during the manufacturing process as it lessens the amount of natural resources that are utilized during production.
Recycled plastic is the most common material used for manufacturing eco-friendly work shoes. Recycled plastic is obtained from waste water bottles and other packaging materials. Recycling this material eliminates the need to process raw materials, which is an energy-intensive process. It contributes to a healthier environment and reduces waste at the same time.
Another example of sustainable materials for work and safety shoes is recycled rubber. Rubber is a common material for the outsoles, but can also be used in the other parts of safety shoes. Using rubber preserves the environment by reducing waste and making use of it to create a new pair of shoes.
Aside from recycled materials, natural and biodegradable materials are the best choices for sustainable industrial shoes. Organic cotton, fibers, and hemp are some examples. They cause minimal impact to the environment, reducing the need for artificial materials that add to environmental pollution.
Another example of integrating sustainable materials is with composite toe caps. Traditional safety shoes use steel toe caps, but composite toe caps are gaining popularity because they are made from recycled materials and are more lightweight than steel.
In addition to reducing the utilization of natural resources, sustainable materials are biodegradable so they have less impact on the environment and do not contribute to landfill. Choosing these materials enables you to wear safety shoes that have less environmental impact.

2. Energy-Efficient Manufacturing
Aside from the material, the manufacturing process impacts the carbon footprint of industrial and work shoes. Choose brands and manufacturers that utilize energy-efficient and sustainable manufacturing processes that lower your carbon emissions and do not negatively impact the environment.
Sustainable manufacturing involves renewable energy resources so the existing resource supply is not depleted. Reducing water usage is another example of sustainable manufacturing, especially given that traditional manufacturing methods use up to 8,000 liters of water to create a pair of shoes.
Aside from the manufacturing process, the transportation and logistical factors can also contribute to the carbon emissions of traditional shoe manufacturing processes. Sustainability should be at the forefront at every step of bringing the work shoes to the consumers.
3. Durable Design
Durability is an important factor in promoting sustainability in the safety shoe industry. Durable shoes made of eco-friendly materials last longer and can withstand more wear and tear. Thus, it eliminates the need to buy a new pair and reduces the demand for companies to manufacture new pairs of shoes. The more shoes that are manufactured, the more it impacts the environment.
Choosing safety and work shoes with a sustainable and durable design should go hand in hand. It is an economical and environmentally-friendly choice. Therefore, it is better to invest more on a pair of shoes that last longer versus a cheaper pair that are made from materials with higher carbon emissions and require frequent replacement.